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Home / Services / Representation of interests in the administrative court of cassation

Representation of interests in the administrative court of cassation

Representation of interests in the administrative court of cassation

The cassation instance is the highest judicial instance that considers cassation or other appeals against decisions of lower courts.

In the court of cassation, cases are considered on the subject of correctness of the norms of substantive and procedural law by the lower courts. That is, for consideration in the court of cassation, it is necessary to have evidence of violations, procedural errors or incorrect application of the rules of law by judges, and that the court did not accept or did not pay attention to the evidence base in the framework of the trial in the courts of first and second instance. The decision of the cassation instance is final and not subject to appeal.

A lawyer in the court of cassation is a professional lawyer or a representative of a party who represents the interests of his client in the cassation instance of the court.

Representation of interests in the administrative court of cassation from 300,000 tenge.

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