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The cassation instance of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in the capital of the republic in the city of Astana. The main purpose of the court of cassation is the uniform application of laws and the need for the correctness and fairness of court decisions. The decision of the court of cassation is final and not subject to appeal.
The cassation instance is the highest judicial body that deals with the consideration of decisions of the courts of first instance and decisions of the appellate instance on petitions and complaints against decisions and orders of lower courts.
When the parties do not agree with the outcome of the lower court, then they can file an appeal to the court of second instance and, after consideration by the Appellate Instance, the procedural legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for filing a petition for review of a judicial act in cassation to the highest judicial body for a review of the case.
The court of cassation can consider not only the correctness of the application of procedural rules by a lower court, but also the legality of the trial process itself and the decision that was made.
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