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Legal services available to everyone
Legal analysis

Legal analysis

Legal analysis is the process of researching legal norms, documents, court decisions, as well as other legal sources in order to gain an understanding of how these norms can be applied to a specific situation or problem.
Certification of products and services

Certification of products and services

Product certification is the process of evaluating the products of selection kits in order to establish compliance with the requirements imposed by the state on the products.
Legal assistance in obtaining licenses and permits

Legal assistance in obtaining licenses and permits

In order to obtain a license and/or permit to engage in a particular activity, permissible documents, first of all, it is necessary to establish an action that depends on the set of documents and the authorized body for obtaining a license/permit.
Subscription services and legal outsourcing

Subscription services and legal outsourcing

Law and Right Lawer company provides a variety of legal services that can be useful for both legal entities and individuals. Subscription legal services are a long-term contract between a law firm and its client, which requires constant legal support of the client for a certain period of time.
Representation or defense in the court of cassation in criminal cases

Representation or defense in the court of cassation in criminal cases

In accordance with the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, sentences and decisions of the courts of first instance that have entered into legal force may be reviewed in cassation  , after their consideration in the appellate instance, as well as verdicts and decisions of the courts of appeal.
Representation or defence in the Court of Criminal Appeal

Representation or defence in the Court of Criminal Appeal

Appellate proceedings are one of the procedural forms of exercising the right to free appeal against procedural actions and decisions, and are initiated only on the basis of complaints of persons, participants in the trial and on the protest of the prosecutor.
Representation or defense in the court of first instance in criminal cases

Representation or defense in the court of first instance in criminal cases

When considering a criminal case, the court evaluates each piece of evidence from the point of view of relevance, admissibility, reliability, and all the collected evidence in the aggregate - sufficiency for the resolution of the case.
Oral legal advice

Oral legal advice

Law and Right Lawer company is one of the most reliable law firms. The office provides legal advice on all branches of law to all citizens in need, both legal entities and individuals, 24/7. Oral legal advice is paid.
Written advice from a lawyer in the form of a legal opinion

Written advice from a lawyer in the form of a legal opinion

A written consultation of a lawyer is a conclusion or opinion of a lawyer based on his practice, experience and attached factual evidence specified in regulatory legal acts, which is drawn up after the study.
Drafting of procedural and legal documents

Drafting of procedural and legal documents

is the process of drafting legal documents that regulate rights and obligations between citizens, businessmen, public organizations and various quasi-public organizations.
Representation of interests in the civil court of first instance

Representation of interests in the civil court of first instance

Civil courts of first instance are local judicial authorities, and they are located in districts or cities that are engaged in the reception of primary statements of claim, evidence of the parties and in court sessions consider primary judicial disputes and, based on the results of the consideration, make decisions on civil legal cases.
Representation of interests in the civil court of appeal

Representation of interests in the civil court of appeal

The court of appeal is important for ensuring justice and legality in the judicial process, as it can correct errors made by lower courts.
Representation of interests in the civil court of cassation

Representation of interests in the civil court of cassation

The cassation instance of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in the capital of the republic in the city of Astana. The main purpose of the court of cassation is the uniform application of laws and the need for the correctness and fairness of court decisions. The decision of the court of cassation is final and not subject to appeal.
Representation of interests in Arbitration proceedings (court)

Representation of interests in Arbitration proceedings (court)

An arbitration court is a court established by individuals and (or) legal entities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is engaged in the consideration of disputes between legal entities (companies) and private entrepreneurs. Arbitration considers cases related to the violation of contractual obligations, discussion, participation and other issues that are regulated in the course of business activities.
Representation of interests in the administrative court of first instance

Representation of interests in the administrative court of first instance

An administrative court is a court that deals with the resolution of disputes related to administrative offenses, disputes with state bodies, that is, violations of the law that regulate relations between state bodies and citizens, organizations or other legal entities.
Representation of interests in the administrative court of appeal

Representation of interests in the administrative court of appeal

The appellate instance is the next highest court after the first instance. If you do not like the verdict of the court after the consideration of the case, you can appeal the court's decision and request a review of the case.
Representation of interests in the administrative court of cassation

Representation of interests in the administrative court of cassation

The cassation instance is the highest judicial instance that considers cassation or other appeals against decisions of lower courts.
Representation or defense in cases of private prosecution for criminal prosecution in a criminal court

Representation or defense in cases of private prosecution for criminal prosecution in a criminal court

The reason for initiating a private prosecution is a complaint of the victim: an individual who has reached the age of 18, a legal entity, legal representatives and representatives of the victim.
Representation or defense in pre-trial investigations of a criminal case

Representation or defense in pre-trial investigations of a criminal case

Within the framework of the pre-trial investigation of a criminal case , the body conducting criminal proceedings, when evaluating evidence in criminal cases, is obliged to strictly observe the principles established by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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